St. Elizabeth School is in compliance with the Roman Catholic Diocese of Dallas Safe Environment Program. As Christian adults, we have a moral and legal responsibility and are entrusted by God with the spiritual, emotional and physical well-being of minors and vulnerable adults as they participate in activities within or sponsored by the Diocese of Dallas. It is the policy of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Dallas not only to comply with reporting laws but also to cooperate fully with the investigating civil authorities. (See, Section 10.10, Reports to and Cooperation with Law Enforcement.)
In order to achieve the above, the Diocese of Dallas has a Safe Environment Program that implements training, screening through interviews, criminal background checks and other procedures that are designed to reduce the risk of abuse of children and vulnerable adults. Every church, school and Diocesan agency has this program, and each is responsible for program implementation and continuation.
More information regarding the Safe Environment Program and the school’s schedule for administering the program is available through the school office.